Do you know anyone with
the knowledge and skills
we are looking for?

Don’t hesitate and recommend us to your friends. It’s a win-win.

Your friend gets career opportunities, we fill our position, you get a reward.

talant acqusition team
Talent Acquisition Team

Hiring process

We have a high bar, but also aim to cooperate with our candidates. We can hire a candidate in as little as 2 days if both parties agree on the demands.

1 day
CV review and telephone
interview with an HR

The HR reviews your CV and clarifies if your experience meets our requirements. If so, they conduct an introductory call.

1 day
Interview with
a hiring-manager

This step involves an online meeting with the future manager and colleagues. You'll have a chance to get familiar with the team, learn more about working processes and potential career development. The meeting will take from 1 to 2 hours.

2-3 days
Test task

The test task is a way of making sure our views regarding future working tasks are similar. The test task will take about 2-5 working hours on average. However, we give you 3-5 days to complete it at your leisure.

1-2 days
and bar-raising

We consolidate recommendations from your previous workplaces and move to the final stage — meeting the СЕО of OBRIO, and bar-raising. It is similar to the first interview but focuses more on your soft skills and values.

0 days
Job Offer

We send an offer to the candidate that best suits the vacancy requirements and shares OBRIO values.

0 days
The TriMetrix Test

The TriMetrix Coaching Report was designed to improve the understanding of an individual's talents. The report provides insights about three distinct areas: behaviors, driving forces and emotional intelligence. Understanding strengths and weaknesses in each of the three areas lead to more effective personal, professional development and a higher level of satisfaction from work.